Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New York City's Subway Station Maps Finally Enter the 21st Century

For tourists and locals traveling below the streets of New York City, there’s a new way to get around the massive subway system. The traditional subway map is getting an upgrade, and that means they’ll finally replace some of those printed ones that have long been missing information due to too many people running their fingers along popular routes.
Digital maps have already invaded some subway stops, like Grand Central Terminal, Penn Station and the Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center stop over in Brooklyn, but now the the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is planning to hook up stops with at least 77 more touchscreen "On the Go!" panels.
The thought is that these upgraded maps can provide all kinds of details (like real-time travel updates), and we wouldn’t be surprised if they can even sneak in an advertisement or commercial—got to pay for that travel technology. So be on the lookout for these new digital kiosks, and be sure to check them out, you early adopter you.
You can even type in your preferred destination, and they'll tell you what trains to take and when to transfer, all of which will be a god send for first-time visitors to the Big Apple.
[Photo: MTA viaTransportationNation]

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